Nasza Oferta

Grupa Wilk oferuje najwyższej jakości rozwiązania w zakresie zamknięć na rynku.

Gama produktów Grupy Wilk obejmuje dozowniki, nakrętki, zawory odgazowujące oraz innowacyjne zamknięcia do opakowań typu pouch.

choke free cap spout wilk

Choke Free Cap

Attractive designs, choke free functions, ideal for kids.

small cap spout wilk

Small Cap

Attractive design, ideal for all types of spouts.

neutral spout wilk

Neutral Spout

Best solution for fill-through-the-spout and pre-made pouch systems.

los large spout wilk

Large Orifice Spout

Best solution for large, high volume pouches. Orifice 25.5 mm.

standard spout wilk

Standard Spout

Best solution for form-fill-seal systems.

Low Sealing Temperature Mono Material Spouts/Fitments

Ideal solution for recyclable pouches with mono materials and low sealing temperatures.

Custom Components

Wilk Group designs and produces specialy custom components specifically closures for flexible packaging.